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Come and join the Paranormal Prospectors for a night of paranormal investigations through the old Beechworth goal .


Walk the halls of this truly amazing old building with over 140 years of tales to tell .

Explore the cells of Ned and Ellen Kelly, or walk the gallows where 8 men were executed.


This beautiful old goal has so many stories to tell ,  so why not join us to hear its tales and investigate the unknown.


Being one of Australia’s most significant post European cultural sites. Its role in the chain of events that led to the execution of Ned Kelly is significant as it housed Ned’s mother, Ellen Kelly, many of the Kelly sympathisers and Ned himself, alongside his brother Dan and the rest of the Kelly gang.




3hr tours  $88pp




B O O K I N G S   A R E    E S S E N T I A L


 All customers to meet out front of jail 15mins before tour.

Strictly no alcohol or drugs , anyone who is suspected of being under the influence will be asked to leave the premises immediately .


Please note that all tours are done by torch light, you must wear comfortable shoes and warm clothing in the winter as it gets very cold.  BYO snacks and drink - NO ALCOHOL!



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